Lieutenant of the guard, Participant of World War II, The Hero of the Soviet Union (June 27, 1945)
He was born on June 25, 1925 in the Avliya-Ata Fortress of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He graduated from the 10th grade of the school and later the 2nd year of the veterinary college.
He was drafted into the Red Army in 1943 by the military commissariat of Jambul district of Kazakhstan. From August 1943, he served in World War II. In 1944, he graduated from the accelerated training courses for junior lieutenants of Tashkent Infantry School named after V.I. Lenin.
On January 23, 1945, Lieutenant M. Fayazov, the platoon commander of the 175th Rifle Regiment, fought valiantly in the battles across the Oder. He took command of the company and was one of the first to cross the left bank of the river near the village of Djobern in the Opal region (Poland).
Fayazov’s company captured the bridgehead, repulsed several enemy attacks, took part in the occupation of two settlements, and crushed the enemy’s headquarters.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1945, “For exemplary performance of combat duties, courage and heroism in the fight against Nazi invaders on the front”, Lieutenant Fayazov Mikhail was awarded the title of “The Hero of the Soviet Union”.
He died on October 30, 1990.