Private of Guard, Participant of the Soviet Union, The Hero of the Soviet Union
He was born on May 3, 1915 in Iskori village of Shafirkan district, Bukhara region of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a family of peasants. He was Uzbek.
He graduated from high school. He worked as a brigadier of cotton growers in Leninabad collective farm. He had been in the Red Army Since December 1941. Aminov was involved in a historic Soviet offensive near Stalingrad in November 1942. After the tankers drove the enemy out of the only bridge across the Don in the Kalach area, the cavalry of the 112th Bashkir Cavalry, fought by Aminov, crossed the corridor. He was involved in attacking the enemy’s arsenal, seizing Nazi warehouses. In the 60th Guards Cavalry Regiment, Aminov took part in the capture of the headquarters of the enemy unit and attacked the fascists. For this zeal, Aminov was awarded the Medal “For Military Service”. After the cavalry was taken to fill the ranks, Aminov finished short-term courses and became commander of anti-tank weapons. In the summer of 1943, he took part in the battle of Kursk. In early September 1943, Aminov became the commander of a cavalry division. Violent fighting broke out on the outskirts of Chernigov. Aminov suddenly attacked Hitler’s communications center, destroyed the signalmen with 2 grenades, captured 4 people, and seized a powerful radio station, thus he disrupted the control of enemy units. Then he was one of the first to break into the Chernigov railway station and did not allow the couple to leave the fascist echelon. For Chernigov, the cavalry was to defeat the Nazis on the territory of the Chkalov collective farms, to dominate the territory with a well-developed network of enemy defenses. Aminov’s lineup had to protect the left side from Nazi counter-attacks. After a hand-to-hand battle with the Nazis in their trenches, the cavalry entered the defense. Aminov’s detachment destroyed of the attacking weapons and 17 enemy soldiers. The hill was taken. In September 1943, a cavalry regiment pursuing the enemy approached the Dnieper. At night of September 27, 1943, 15 volunteers, including Aminov, approached the west bank of the Dnieper, the village of Komarin, Bragin district, Gomel region. After that, Aminov sailed 6 more times in a boat for other fighters under enemy fire. The battles began at the bridge stage. On the steep bank of the Dnieper, Aminov dealt alone with seven Nazis, killed three of them and captured others. The next day, in the battles for the Galki farm, the Nazis attacked the position of the Aminov detachment three times and tried to get on the wing of the squadron. Turning three times, he lost dozens of soldiers and officers.
By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1944, “For exemplary performance of command tasks before the battle against the German invaders”, private of the Guard Hallak Aminov was awarded the title of “The Hero of the Soviet Union”.
In February 1944, in one of the enemy sectors, he dropped 20 tanks against cavalry, which intending to destroy the ranks of Soviet troops. Artillerymen set fire to some of the tanks, while another cavalry fired grenades. In this fight, Aminov was wounded in the right arm and the ulnar crushed the bones of his arm. After a long treatment in the hospital, he was demobilized. Aminov, who received the highest award in the Kremlin, returned home. Soon Aminov was elected chairman of the collective farm. Then the chairman of the Juinavsky village council was unanimously elected its chairman and awarded the first place in the republican competition of village councils with the Certificate of Honor of the PVS of the Uzbek SSR, a cash prize and the Order “Badge of Peace”. Veteran Hallak Aminov lived in his village and worked for the welfare of the Uzbek people.
He died on June 7, 1993. He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, World War 1st degree, the Badge of Honor, and medals. The name of H.Aminov is engraved in gold letters on plaques along with the names of all 78 Heroes of the Soviet Union of the 112th Bashkir (16th Guards Chernigov) cavalry division installed in the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa, Sovetskaya Street, 14) and in the Museum of the 112th (16th Guards) Bashkir Cavalry Division (Ufa city, Levitan street, 27).