Private, Participant of World War II, The Hero of the Soviet Union (March 24, 1945)
He was born in 1910 in the modern Koshrabat district of Samarkand region. After primary school, he worked on a collective farm. In 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army.
During World War II he was a machine gunner in the 1348th Infantry Regiment (the 399th Artillery Division of the 42nd Artillery Corps of the 48th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front). He worked hard to liberate Poland. On September 3, 1944, he supported the rifle route with machine gun fire as a part of the tank paratroopers.
While crossing the Narev River in the area of the village of Drozdovo in the south part of the Rujan city of Poland, he sheltered the main force with machine-gun fire from the enemy.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945, “For exemplary performance of combat duties, courage and heroism in the fight against Nazi invaders on the front”, Private Kadirov Achil was awarded the title of “The Hero of the Soviet Union”.
He died on March 13, 1945 and was buried in Sebistan village of Koshrabat district.