a private, participant in World War II, Hero of the Soviet Union (February 22, 1944)

   He was born on September 10, 1918, in the village of Karl Marx, in what is now Karakalpakstan. Nationality – Uzbek (according to other sources – Kazakh). After graduating from the 4th grade, he worked at a car depot in Turtkul.
   In September 1941, he was drafted into the Red Army by the military commissariat of the Turtkul district of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and has been on the front ever since.
   He fought valiantly for the Dnieper. On October 2, 1943, he was one of the first to cross the Dnieper, defending his position as part of the machine gun count and allowing other units and logistics units to cross the river. On the night of October 17, 1943, in the night battle for the village of Kreshatik, the enemy’s guard was destroyed and he entered the village with a machine gun. As a result of a fierce battle, an important fortified point of the enemy is captured.
   By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1944, a private Nauruzbayev Inoyat was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union “For exemplary performance of combat duties and bravery and heroism in the fight against Nazi invaders on the front.”
   He lived on the “Leningrad” collective farm in the Ellikkala district of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He died on April 29, 1999.